Miss Mimi has definitely developed QUITE the personality over the last few months. She is honestly just like a chipette from one of the "Chipmunks" movies. She has this high pitched squeeky voice and she talks a mile a minute and NEVER stops talking. Mimi is always dancing around and singing. This child has SO much energy. She is like the energizer bunny. Around 6pm every night she just goes nuts.. she is pretty much bouncing off of the walls! She hates to go to bed. She can generally be found wandering around our dark house every night well after Mac and Grace have gone to bed. I don't think it is possible to not fall in love with the child. She is the kindest, sweetest little soul I have ever met. She can drive you crazy, because she never STOPS going...but she has the my endearing way about her...
the color purple
her "lady bug" red polka dot dress ( she can be found searching in her bedroom for this most every morning)
snuggling ( once she finally caves and wants to go to sleep)
painting her nails
to eat ( by far my best eater! This kid will pretty much eat anything!)
Yes.. this is my child asleep with a lolli pop in her mouth...