Monday, October 25, 2010


I am so behind with blogging lately. It seems like when I get busy at work I don't even want to look at a camera after hours... and I neglect to document my own family life!
Here is a new one of Mimi girl..

LOVES her dance class. I have never met a little girl who adores dance more than her. She asks every single morning if today is dance class. She pays attention the WHOLE time. I have a feeling I may have a prima ballerina on my hands...
She LOVES to dress up. She has a stash of about 5 princess costumes that she puts on as soon as she wakes up and changes accordingly throughout the dance. I generally end up peeling one off of her after she has fallen asleep every night.
She is a chatter bug. Constantly asking us "what are you talking about" and always wanting to be in on every conversation.
She does NOT like bugs. Could we say girlie girl?!
She adores Barbie movies right now... and loves to play with anything little.
She is still a night owl. LOVES to stay up!
She does not to be referred to as a baby. EVER. She will get very angry and quickly tell you that she is NOT a baby.. she is a BIG GIRL.
OH.... our family would not be complete without this little lady.

1 comment:

Jamie Poort said...

She is Chloe's sister. Love her.